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[美國直購] ASUS 主機板 Rampage II Extreme LGA1366 Intel X58 DDR3-1600 ATX Motherboard $25425
[美國直購] ASUS 主機板 Rampage II Extreme LGA1366 Intel X58 DDR3-1600 ATX Motherboard $25425。影音與家電人氣店家玉山最低比

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Product Features

??? * Form Factor - ATX
??? * Processor Interface - LGA1366
??? * Processors Supported - Intel Core i7, Intel Core i7 Extreme
??? * Additional Technologies - HyperThreading Technology , SLI Ready, CrossFireX Ready, Supports 45nm CPU, Intel QuickPath Interconnect
??? * QuickPath Interconnect - up to 6.4 GT/s

Technical Details

??? * Processor Socket: Intel
??? * Processor Interface: LGA1366
??? * Form Factor: ATX
??? * Processors Supported: Intel Core i7
??? * Processors Supported: Intel Core i7 Extreme
??? * Additional Technologies: HyperThreading Technology
??? * Additional Technologies: Supports 45nm CPU
??? * Additional Technologies: Intel QuickPath Interconnect
??? * Multi-GPU Support: SLI Ready
??? * Multi-GPU Support: CrossFireX Ready
??? * Northbridge: Intel X58
??? * Southbridge: Intel ICH10R
??? * Memory Type: DDR3
??? * Memory Supported: 1066MHz DDR3
??? * Memory Supported: 1333MHz DDR3

Product Description
Product Description
Asus Rampage II Extreme Motherboard Introducing the new Asus Rampage II Extreme X58 LGA 1366 - the ultimate gaming/overclocking platform. If you're looking for ultra-realistic graphics and high-impact, professional gaming performance, you’ve found the perfect motherboard. Based on the Intel X58 chipset, the Asus Rampage II Extreme is built for Intel Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad, and Core 2 Extreme processors, and is ready for Intel’s next-generation 45nm Multi-Core CPUs. The Asus Rampage II Extreme supports Intel's new QuickPath Interconnect at up to 6.4 GT/s, 12GB DDR3 1800/1600/1333/1066 Triple-channel memory, two ATI CrossFireX or up to 3 NVIDIA SLI graphics cards , SATA 3 Gb/s, RAID 0,1,5,0+1, JBOD, dual Gigabit LAN, 8-channel high-definition audio, 1394a, USB 2.0, and the latest Asus overclocking features. For prodigious performance and spectacular graphics, choose the Asus Rampage II Extreme X58 LGA 1366 motherboard – the ultimate gaming/overclocking platform.


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[美國直購] ASUS 主機板 LGA1156 Intel P55 DDR3 - 2133 ATX Motherboard P7P55D Deluxe $7220

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[美國直購] ASUS 主機板 LGA1156 Intel P55 DDR3 2133 ATX Motherboard P7P55D $5564

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[美國直購] ASUS 主機板 LGA1156 Intel P55 DDR3 - 2133 ATX Motherboard P755D Pro $5420

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[美國直購] ASUS 主機板 P7P55 LX - LGA 1156 - Intel P55 - DDR3 - ATX Motherboard $4860

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[美國直購 ShopUSA] Intel 原廠主機板 D915GMHLK Intel 915G Socket775 mBTX MB with Video, Sound & LAN $1900

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[美國直購 ShopUSA] Intel CPU 處理器 Core i7 940 2.93GHz 8M L3 Cache 4.8GT/sec QPI Hyper-Threading Turbo Boost LGA1366 Processor $20710

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[美國直購] ASUS 主機板 P5QPL-AM - LGA 775 - G41 - DDR2 - DX10 support - uATX Motherboard $4498

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[美國直購] Asus 主機板 P5QL-VM DO/CSM Micro ATX Motherboard $3672

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[美國直購] ASUS 主機板 LGA1156 Intel P55 DDR3 - 2133 ATX Motherboard P755D EVO $7220

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